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Boston Celtics Logo

The Boston Celtics Logo: A Visual Journey Through History

Subtitle: Exploring the Evolution of an Iconic Basketball Franchise's Brand Identity


The Boston Celtics logo is one of the most recognizable and iconic symbols in sports. It has undergone several transformations over the years, reflecting the team's evolution and enduring legacy. This article traces the visual journey of the Celtics logo, exploring its origins, variations, and cultural significance.

Early Days (1946-1950):

The original Celtics logo, introduced in 1946, featured a simple green circle with the team's name written in white. The color green was chosen as a nod to the team's Irish roots. This logo remained in use for the first four seasons of the Celtics' existence.

The Leprechaun Era (1950-1969):

In 1950, the Celtics unveiled a new logo that featured a leprechaun dribbling a basketball. The leprechaun, named "Lucky," became the team's mascot and was incorporated into several iterations of the logo. This logo marked a shift towards a more playful and whimsical brand identity.

The Modern Era (1969-Present):

In 1969, the Celtics introduced their current logo, which has remained virtually unchanged for over 50 years. The logo features a green cloverleaf with the team's name written in white. The cloverleaf represents the Celtics' Irish heritage and has become a timeless symbol of the franchise. This logo has remained a constant throughout the team's dynasty years and has become a beloved icon in Boston and beyond.

Cultural Significance:

The Boston Celtics logo transcends sports and has become a symbol of Bostonian pride. It represents the city's rich basketball history and is often seen on merchandise, apparel, and in local landmarks. The logo has also been featured in popular culture, including in movies, television shows, and music lyrics.


The Boston Celtics logo is a testament to the enduring legacy of one of the most successful and iconic sports franchises in history. Its visual journey has mirrored the team's evolution, from humble beginnings to global acclaim. Today, the logo remains a beloved symbol of Boston and a symbol of the team's unwavering spirit and passion for the game of basketball.
